Couples Counseling / Marriage Therapy

Relationships are complicated, even the ones that are good.

You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t care about some combination of yourself, your partner, your kids (if that applies), and your relationship. We take couples counseling, relationship counseling, marriage counseling, pre-marital counseling – whatever you want to call it – seriously. Our therapists are trained and have clinical experience in couples therapy and will look to unearth the central theme in your relationship instability through our proven therapeutic process.

We make the room “safe” to do the hard work.

Research shows time and time again that people cannot do the kind of reflective, mindful, and empathic work needed to heal relationship wounds without feeling safe.

Through sophisticated verbal and non-verbal interventions, our therapists in Philadelphia are skilled at creating a secure, contained, and supportive environment that engenders the kind of curiosity and empathy necessary to make real strides in couples counseling.

We put an end to your “Groundhog’s Day” fighting ritual.

Every couple has their sticking points – those fights that seem to happen again and again. Fights about issues such as money, housework, childcare, and sex often represent deeper themes. People have an uncanny way of unconsciously seeking out partners that allow them the opportunity to work through unresolved childhood issues. No, we’re not saying that you seek out another ‘daddy’ or ‘mommy’ in your partner – you might, but it’s often more complex than that. We do find, however, that it is useful to differentiate in couples counseling between real and transferential, seen and unseen, surface and deeper, conscious and unconscious. Let us work with you to put an end to your endless argument cycle.

We help you feel good together, and about each other.

The presence (or absence) of positive emotions in a relationship is the real difference maker in relationship stability. Do you think that the success of a relationship is based on how much or how little you fight with your partner? If so, you are missing the mark.

In renowned couples therapist, researcher, and psychologist Dr. John Gottman’s 1999 book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, certain couples with highly conflictual relationships reported happy marriages while other couples with low conflict relationships reported unhappy marriages. Building and maintaining positive emotions in a relationship is a skill, and one that needs to be practiced collaboratively with both partners. We will work with you on identifying positive interactions and memories; creating routines and boundaries that foster positive connections; and cultivating positive emotions with intention and empathy though our uniquely tailored marriage therapy and couples counseling.

Ready to start?

Talk with one of our expert marriage therapists to help you begin a process of healing and journey towards a destination that feels right.

Attune Philadelphia Therapy Group
132 South 17th Street
Floor 3
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 564-9900

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Please be aware that we have staff with specialized training in couples counseling (Jon Krigel) and couples counseling for infertility and pregnancy loss (Rayna Markin).

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Still have some questions?

Reach out and one of our experienced therapists will get right back to you, and answer any questions and concerns you might have.

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