Gaming Disorder Therapy Interview

Gaming Disorder therapy is an emergent area because the diagnosis itself is a new one.  In 2018, the World Health Oranganization (WHO) recognized Gaming Disorder as a diagnosable mental health condition in the 11th edition of its International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).   Gaming Disorder (also referred to as ‘video game addiction’ and ‘gaming addiction’), which consists of uncontrollable and persistent excessive video game playing that negatively harms life functioning , is a controversial concept.  The phenomenon of excessive usage of computer games is a relatively new one, and there is little precedent for treating, or even understanding, how excessive gaming affects an individual.

NBC10 Philadelphia sat down with Attune Philadelphia Therapy Group licensed psychologist Jon Krigel, Psy.D.  for an interview on video game addiction.  Dr. Krigel specializes in gaming disorder therapy in Philadelphia.  He approaches the issue with an emphasis on relationship-building and curiosity.  Dr.  Krigel seeks to foster a collaborative alliance with each client that allows them to navigate the game and its meaning to the person.

Parents often have difficulty knowing how to approach their (child, young adult, and adult) children about their game playing.  How do you talk with them about their gaming use?  According to Dr. Krigel, rather than exclusively focus on the behavioral and habit-forming aspects, an important factor is for parents to be open-minded and interested in what the game means to their children.  This creates an opening for parents to better work collaboratively with their children on making adaptive changes.

In the interview, Dr. Krigel says,  “I think the most important thing is to have a conversation with the child about their video game use… to be open about both the positives and negatives.  For me, I think it’s important to be curious with them about why they’re playing, in addition to  how much.”

Below, you can watch the NBC10 Philadelphia video and learn more about the subjects of gaming addiction and gaming disorder therapy.